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We strive to always be among the best Sustainable Companies.
Receiving recognition in our industry is proof that we are doing a good job.


For this we are proud to inform you that in 2020 we have achieved the prestigious



MAPEL TEXTILE is GRS certified

"Only the products which are covered by a
valid Transaction certificate are GRS certified"

When it comes to GRS or  GRS  ( Global Recycle Standard ) refers to the most important international standard that certifies the sustainable production of garments and textile products made with recycled materials .

The standard recognizes the importance of moderating the consumption of resources (virgin raw materials, water and energy) as much as possible and increasing the quality of recycled products and is promoted by Textile Exchange, one of the most important international non-profit organizations for development responsible and sustainable in the textile sector.

The GRS provides for the release of an environmental declaration verified by a third party, which guarantees the content of recycled materials of their products (both intermediate and finished), traceability throughout the entire production process, limitations in the use of chemical products and compliance with environmental and social criteria in all construction phases.

The Global Recycle Standard ensures:

  • products with a content between 20% and 100% of pre-consumer and post-consumer recycled material;

  • manufacturing activities and processes with the use of recycled material, to create intermediate products (for example: yarns and fabrics) or finished products for the consumer, using models and management procedures that comply with the established requirements.  


However, for the product to be considered truly recycled and GRS certified, it must be accompanied by a certificate, called TC ( Transaction Certificate ), issued by a Certification Body to a manufacturer who has had all the loads and unloadings of the warehouse checked. every single production (from the purchase, to the realization of internal and external semi-finished products, to the warehouse payment, to the final shipment).

All Mapel Textile warehouse loading and unloading movements are recorded on time by all our operators and periodically checked by ICEA, the most accredited GRS Certification Body in Italy.

All our GRS polyester yarn comes from plastic bottles taken from separate waste collection and can be considered ecological , as:

  • it originates from the recycling of resources otherwise they would be destined for incinerators (or even worse left in nature);

  • complies with REACH regulations as they are produced in Europe;

  • has GRS certification as they are made from recycled materials delivered by Certified Suppliers.

pulizia della spiaggia

Our product comes from recovery.
Do good for the environment too:
buy from recycling!

Mapel Textile is a sustainable company that bases its organization on ethical production , which takes into account:

  1. environmental impact (recycling, certified organic yarns, low-polluting business processes);

  2. social impact (transparent supply chain, fair wages, safe workplaces, enhancement of local craftsmen):

  3. the need to provide quality products and services,  respecting everyone, as the only way to meet the needs of its customers.


The organization of Mapel Textile is based on the following




I volontari


The MAPEL TEXTILE SRL company undertakes to prevent pollution, to guarantee the safeguarding and protection of the environment and to pursue the continuous improvement of the organization's environmental performance by minimizing the risks associated with the activities carried out and the products / services provided.

In particular, the organization undertakes to:

  • Inform the company bodies that all aspects of environmental responsibility are incumbent on the Legal Representative, despite having designated a figure solely for verifying the application of part of its policies in the field of certified recycled products (GRS Manager, to be adequately trained in periodically);

  • comply with current legislation and any voluntary agreements regarding its significant environmental impacts;

  • carry out a continuous control of the production process and monitor the related environmental aspects, in particular the consumption of water and energy and the production of waste and effluents;

  • define objectives and adopt operational procedures and / or practices in order to reduce water and energy consumption;

  • adopt procedures and / or operating practices aimed at minimizing the production of waste and effluents;

  • adopt procedures for the prevention and management of environmental emergencies;

  • provide company personnel with adequate training on relevant environmental aspects;

  • adopt an improvement program.

The organization also undertakes to provide the necessary technical, economic and professional resources so that the objectives of the environmental policy are fully achieved.

This Environmental Policy is disseminated at all levels and it is everyone's responsibility to actively collaborate, as far as they are concerned, in improving the management of environmental aspects.

The organization guarantees, through subsequent verification activities, that this policy is understood and implemented and that the stated objectives are pursued.


Galliate Lombardo, 13/05/2020   

The legal representative

Gian Pietro Leni

Pugni in solidarietà




The MAPEL TEXTILE SRL company undertakes to comply with the main conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), with national legislation and with the conditions laid down by national bargaining regarding:

  • Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining

  • Child labor

  • Child labor

  • Health & Safety

  • Prevention of any phenomenon of discrimination and abuse

  • Regularity and transparency in employment contracts, registration of working hours, payment of wages due

In particular, the organization undertakes to:

  • inform the company bodies that all aspects of Social Responsibility are incumbent on the Legal Representative (even if various figures in charge of implementing the relative policies adopted act);

  • monitor compliance with social criteria and implement the necessary measures;

  • inform the company staff, in the local language, about the content of the minimum social criteria and any other information relating to them provided by the reference standard (GOTS and / or GRS);

  • keep records of name, age, hours worked and wages paid for each worker;

  • allow company personnel to appoint their own representative for the aspects of Social Responsibility who can discuss with the Management on the state of implementation of the social criteria and compliance with them;

  • record and handle the complaints of company personnel or third parties relating to the organization's compliance with social criteria and keep records of any corrective action taken;

  • refrain from using disciplinary measures, termination of the employment relationship or other forms of discrimination against workers who provide information relating to compliance with social criteria.

The organization also undertakes to provide the technical, economic and professional resources necessary for the objectives of the Social Responsibility Policy, defined in this document, to be fully achieved.

This Social Responsibility Policy is disseminated at all levels and it is the responsibility of everyone to actively collaborate, as far as they are concerned, in improving the aspects of Social Responsibility.

The organization guarantees, through subsequent verification activities, that this policy is understood and implemented and that the stated objectives are pursued.


Galliate Lombardo, 13/05/2020   

The legal representative

Gian Pietro Leni



Esperimenti di laboratorio


Every year, Mapel Textile products and services are chosen by thousands of customers from all over the world to meet their manufacturing needs for woven ribbons (simple or customized), elastic and labels, ropes and sewing threads, always guaranteeing supplies of the highest quality. and sustainability, in compliance with the principles of health, safety, environment and social responsibility in which it believes and for which it has its own Code of Ethics and Conduct .

The choice of these People and the Companies to which they belong (clothing professionals, leather goods, footwear and more generally the Fashion System ) is based on their complete trust in our competence and in our ability to always provide what is needed. , when needed, without making any compromises. To ensure that this potential takes shape, attention is paid to details: from the ability to listen to the needs of each customer to the ability to offer customized products and services, from constant research and technological innovation to the development and promotion of the most skilled human resources. , from the search for ecological and sustainable materials to the verification of compliance with the highest market standards, from the reliability of the commitments to the timing of the consequent supplies. In one word we could say: "quality".

Aware of operating in a context in which there is strong competition, in pursuing the improvement objectives of its organization in its leadership role, the Management considers quality a fundamental element of the company strategy and promotes compliance with it at all levels of 'organization.

For this purpose it has decided to establish its own Quality Management System , structured according to the parameters of the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard , in order to guarantee its customers and all interested parties the best products and services, as well as the associated production processes. to them, through constant monitoring and a commitment to continuous improvement, evaluating risks and opportunities.

Improvement consistent with its nature and size, which place Mapel Textile's strategic direction in constant evolution on all fronts: from the environmental sphere to that of safety in the workplace and for which it hires and requires to hire all Subjects interested parties, making available the necessary resources (personnel, infrastructures, etc.) for the proper performance of each activity, the following objectives and commitments:

  • to base the relationship with customers and interested parties on maximum collaboration, always and in any case trying to evaluate all requests, in order to give timely answers, adequate solutions and understand any implicit needs that can be satisfied or generate new opportunities;

  • operate with courtesy and efficiency, in compliance with the provisions of contracts and regulations, offering only products or services of the best quality standard within the foreseen times;

  • provide accurate, complete, clear and truthful information about the products or services offered, such as to allow the counterparty to make an informed choice;

  • foresee and stimulate regular control activities on the quality of goods and services purchased and supplied;

  • ensure an approach aimed at preventing problems and, where not possible, resolving them (carefully managing any non-conformities, reports and complaints)

  • require all suppliers to comply with the regulations that are specifically relevant from time to time, and base relations with them on the principles of sustainability, integrity and confidentiality;

  • scrupulously follow purchasing procedures and processes, manage them with loyalty and impartiality towards suppliers and with the aim of ensuring the company the maximum competitive advantage in conjunction with the guarantee of compliance with the best quality level of the products offered;

  • maintain the commitment relating to the continuous improvement of its Quality System, promoting internal growth and organizational and technological progress, in compliance with the mandatory regulations in the various areas (environmental protection, restrictions on the use of particular chemical substances, production minimization waste, reduction of waste of energy and other resources);

  • guarantee the dissemination of this Quality Policy within the Organization, to Customers, Suppliers and all interested parties;

  • monitor, with a continuous process, the activities necessary to satisfy the previous points.


Galliate Lombardo, 10/28/2021   

The legal representative

Gian Pietro Leni









SA8000 certification

Upon completion of the organizational model compliant with Legislative Decree 231/01, Mapel Textile intends to adhere to the voluntary standard for Social Accountability SA8000, to undertake to comply with the rules on work ethics defined by the most important world organizations for the protection of human and labor rights.


Starting up

It is the most recognized international standard for Quality Management, the o rganization strategic, continuous improvement, customer satisfaction and the increase of effectiveness and efficiency of all business processes.  With the definition of our Management System we are going to embark on the path of this important certification


Certificato da ICEA


It is the most important international standard that certifies sustainable production of clothing and textile products made with recycled materials by our company.

The certification focuses on the widest use of recycled materials, respecting the environmental and social principles of all the phases involved by the actors of its precious Certified production chain.

Certified since 2020


Our company is about to complete the effective implementation of its own "Organizational Model compliant with Legislative Decree 231/01", with the aim of preventing , by means of control measures, the commission of specific crimes , which may involve the responsibility of Company, when implemented to cause its interest or advantage in its activities

In completion


prodotti chimici

Compliant since 2007

Our Declaration of Conformity is a guarantee of adherence to the Reach of the supply chain ,

the European regulation on the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of planned chemicals, which entered into force in 2007, which excludes the use of chemicals harmful to the environment and human health during the production phases of a product


Foundational Level

N. 1321-2829-7E8

Enrolled from 2021

Our company has successfully submitted its "Chemical Database" to the ZDHC platform, by registering with its Gateway,

on 11-10-2021.

Through this platform it is possible to find detailed and safe information in relation to the chemical products that Mapel Textile purchases from its Certified supply chain and provide all guarantees to its  clientele


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